Turning Cash Into Online Poker Cash With Ukash
Only Have Cash To Deposit? No Problem With Ukash
In today’s plastic dominated world, a lot of us never even deal with cash anymore. There are certainly a fair number of people who still prefer cash over plastic though. I personally never use cash but a lot of people do. They may be paid from their job in cash and may not even have a bank account, and just deal in cash all the way.
Others may feel a little uneasy providing card numbers or bank account numbers over the internet. Providing that you are dealing with a trustworthy merchant, this really should not be an issue, but Titan does realize that there are some who may feel more comfortable using anonymous deposit methods.
E-wallets do provide this sort of anonymity when dealing with merchants over the internet, but you still have to provide your financial details over the internet, to the e-wallet company, that is if you use methods such as bank account information or credit and debit card details in order to get money into your account.
What if you don’t want to do this, or what if you don’t have a bank account and do not wish to get one, and you don’t have a credit card or other source of electronic funding? What if you only have cash? Well with Ukash this isn’t a problem at all.
Turn Your Cash Into An Online Poker Deposit
With Ukash, you simply visit one of the physical locations where their vouchers are sold, and then purchase a voucher in the desired amount that you wish to deposit into the online poker room.
You are then issued a voucher code which you enter in at the poker site, and this allows for the electronic transfer of your money from Ukash to the poker room. They receive it instantly and you are immediately ready to sit down and play some poker with your transformed cash.
You can also deposit into an e-wallet first, which might seem like a needless step, since these vouchers are completely anonymous, but this actually makes sense to do at least once. If you use an e-wallet such as Neteller or Skrill, you can also withdraw your winnings in cash at an ATM by using their debit Mastercards, so it becomes a total cash transaction. Cash in, cash out. If you like cash you’ll love this setup.
Ukash isn’t just for depositing at poker rooms though. While it’s not really that common for online shopping sites to accept Ukash, with the ability to fund your favorite e-wallet with it, this opens up all sorts of possibilities for you to shop with the utmost in confidence at any online merchant that you wish to use.
Getting Your Ukash
There are literally hundreds of thousands of locations worldwide that sell Ukash vouchers, so it is likely that you will find this process both easy and convenient. It isn’t for everyone, but for those who prefer to deal in cash and value the anonymous nature of this whole process, it offers you a way to become completely satisfied and comfortable with your poker room deposits.
There are also places where you can purchase Ukash vouchers online, and while this may seem to defeat the purpose of Ukash, there are some instances where this makes perfect sense. It’s certainly more convenient and in some cases may be the best option, for instance if you are unable to use your debit card at poker rooms, which is sometimes the case, since they only take select ones and yours may not be the proper type.
Where I live, there aren’t any locations at all that sell Ukash, and you also can’t use your debit card to deposit at poker rooms. However, there’s a trusted online site that sells them that you can use your debit card at, and this can have your money go from your bank account to the poker room in no time flat, solving the problem that many players without credit cards can run into, without having to wait days for bank transfers.
It’s Always About Finding An Option That Works For You
Titan wants to make it as easy as possible for their players to deposit and withdraw money at their online poker room, and they realize that just having options that can be used by everyone is not always enough. So they make sure that no one is left out here, including people who just want to deal in cash.
So if you’re in this category, you’re going to be able to deposit and withdraw exactly how you want to by taking advantage of the combination of depositing with Ukash and withdrawing with a popular e-wallet that allows cash withdrawals at an ATM. If your preferences are different than this, regardless of what they happen to be, you’ll get exactly what you want through Titan’s numerous banking options.